Other national grant schemes

Non-energy supplier grant schemes


Turn2us is a online grants search tool to help you find funds that never have to be paid back. Enter your postcode and find funds to help with energy efficiency improvements. 

Find out more on the Turn2us website.

Royal British Legion financial support

The Royal British Legion helps current and ex-serving members of the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Airforce. They provide financial guidance, support with grant applications, disability benefits and compensation advice.

Find out more on the Royal British Legion's financial page.

Cosier Homes

Cosier Homes offers support for households across Berkshire. Their team of advisors offer free energy advice to help residents stay warmer and healthier in their homes.

Go to the Cosier Homes website for more information.

General advice

If you or someone you know cannot afford to heat their home, National Energy Action offers a range of advice and support to people in need.

Find out more on the National Energy Action website.