
Volunteering is giving your time or skills without getting paid for it in any way. Volunteering is giving something back, caring about your community and taking part in something to make a difference. It is not always called ‘volunteering’, it could be called ‘helping out’ or being ‘neighbourly’.

There are many reasons why people choose to volunteer:

  • to gain skills and experience to change careers or get a job
  • to support an issue that you or a member of your family have been affected by
  • to gain confidence in returning to the workplace
  • to improve confidence or self-esteem
  • to give something back to your community

Volunteering with us

There are opportunities to volunteer with us in the following areas:

There may be other council wide volunteering opportunities available. Email customer.services@bracknell-forest.gov.uk for information.

Other ways to get involved

You could also consider:

  • inviting your neighbour in for a cup of tea or offering to do their shopping
  • helping your local community centre renovate their garden
  • offering your business expertise to develop schemes such as Young Enterprise
  • donating your professional time to support a local charity
  • fundraising for a local project or organisation

If you want to volunteer but are not sure what you are looking for there are lots of different opportunities available across the area. There are hundreds of charities and community groups that are always looking for volunteers and helpers, to search these opportunities contact Involve.

Recruiting volunteers

If you are a voluntary, community group or charity looking to recruit volunteers you can contact involve for information, help and guidance: