Suggested weeks

When funded hours are spread over more than 38 weeks, the annual hours for the entitlement are divided by the provider’s operating weeks.

Providers delivering a term time only offer

For providers claiming funding over 38 weeks, often referred to as term time only offer, we suggest the following weeks per term. 

Term dates Estimated number of weeks per term
Summer term Usually 12 weeks
Autumn term Usually 14 weeks
Spring term Usually 12 weeks

Usually there are 39 weeks per academic year with 1 week that is not funded.

For providers delivering a term time only offer, the maximum number of weeks to claim is 38. Therefore, it is important that providers put plans in place for additional days or weeks, such as charging for these hours.

Providers offering term time only provision must make allowance for INSET days during school term dates to make sure they do not exceed the maximum allocation.

Providers delivering a stretched offer

When fewer funded hours are spread over more than 38 weeks, the 1140-hour allocation is divided by the provider's operating weeks.

This applies to universal, targeted and working parent entitlement where eligible.

Days or weeks when providers are closed must not be counted towards the number of weeks in an early years entitlement claim. For example, a provider who is closed for 8 bank holidays and 2 inset days in a year is open for 50 weeks a year.

Calculate your stretched offer

For providers offering a stretched offer, the number of funded weeks per term will be dependent on when the setting is open. The maximum number of weeks per term that can be claimed are shown out below.

Term dates Maximum number of weeks to claim per term
Summer - 1 April to 31 August Usually 22
Autumn - 1 September to 31 December Usually 17
Spring - 1 January to 31 March Usually 13
Total 52 weeks

Bank holidays, inset days or any other planned closure must be deducted from this maximum.

Providers must not exceed statutory limits where:

  • a child attends more than 1 provider or has moved provider
  • either provider stretches funding over more than 38 weeks

The statutory limits are:

  • 570 hours for the universal entitlement and targeted 2-year-old entitlement
  • 570 hours for the working parent entitlement (1140 for eligible children from September 2025)

Contact the Early Years Team to check a child’s remaining funded hours.

Contact information

Early Years Team