Corporate performance on caring for you and your family

Each of the 'caring for you and your family' objectives below have a green, amber or red status. 

The colours represent the progress made in relation to each objective. Green indicates that progress is being made as per our planned schedule. The numbers represent how many objectives have been allocated that status.

Quarter 3 2023 to 2024









Objective details

Select an objective below to learn more about what we've been doing.

4.01.01 Increase participation in sports, leisure and cultural activities

Directorate: Delivery

Section: Executive Director: Delivery

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 80%

Status: Green


Performance remains within the agreed client requirements. An end of year assessment of the demographics of participation will determine any new steps. This will be consistent with the new strategy and the direction that the new administration takes.

4.01.02 Implement and monitor key actions from the Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Directorate: Place, Planning and Regeneration

Section: Public Health

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 98%

Status: Green


An oversight group with membership from all delivery partners is now in place. The Health and Wellbeing delivery plan update is a standing item on the Health and Wellbeing Board, a dashboard and project update is presented to the board every quarter.

4.01.04 Deliver the financial hardship action plan

Directorate: Chief Executive's Office

Section: Policy and Performance Management

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 90%

Status: Green


The Financial Hardship Action Plan was reviewed and updated ahead of winter 2023, to make sure the content is aligned with the current priorities and resources. Several changes were made to focus and enhance activity related to signposting.

4.01.05 Deliver the pilot first phase of Thriving Communities Programme

Directorate: Chief Executive's Office

Section: Community Engagement and Equalities

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 30%

Status: Amber


Programme delivery paused. Recruitment to the 2 programme posts was put on hold until quarter 4 due to organisational change.

4.01.06 Develop a Children and Young People (CYP) Plan

Directorate: People

Section: Commissioning 

Stage: Complete

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 100%

Status: Completed


The CYP Plan is now complete. An action plan has been adopted by the CYP Partnership Board and agreed by leads for each priority action. This will now become routine business of the board as highlight reports updates on strategic actions will be provided in each meeting from November onwards. A performance dashboard will track progress of key indicators of success.

4.01.07 Develop People Strategy

Directorate: People

Section: Executive Director: People

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 70%

Status: Amber

Work continues to develop a People strategy which aligns with the new council plan. An engagement session has been carried out with heads of service this quarter to support the development of priorities.

4.03.01 Develop the annual integrated health and care plan for Bracknell Forest

Directorate: People

Section: Commissioning 

Stage: Complete

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 100%

Status: Complete


The plan has now been drafted and will be presented for consideration at the Bracknell Forest Place Committee during October 2023. This follows collaboration between council officers and colleagues from the Integrated Care Board.

4.06.03 Facilitate the delivery of new Community Hub in Warfield

Directorate: Chief Executive's Office

Section: Community Engagement and Equalities

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 60%

Status: Green


Good progress in confirming project deliverables with all stakeholders in quarter 3. Further design and funding strategy work in partnership with Warfield Parish Council in quarter 4.

4.06.04 Facilitate new Bucklers Park Community Hub

Directorate: Chief Executive's Office

Section: Community Engagement and Equalities

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 85%

Status: Green


Negotiations on the lease and preparatory activity for opening the hub progressing well with Age Concern Bracknell Forest.

4.06.05 Finalising management arrangements for Binfield Community Hub

Directorate: Chief Executive's Office

Section: Community Engagement and Equalities

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 85%

Status: Green


Lease negotiations completed. Lease signing and preparations for opening to take place in the spring.

4.06.13 Support the set-up of new community facilities and services

Directorate: Resources

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Amber


Due to feedback from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the business case for Bridgewell has been invalidated. This requires the People Directorate to identify a new use or set of requirements for the facility. 

This has delayed the progression of any procurement activity, with a procurement now anticipated to start in mid-2024.

4.07.01 Family hub services expansion and development of multi-disciplinary teams

Directorate: People

Section: Early Help and Communities

Stage: Completed

Due date: 31 December 2023

Percentage complete: 100%

Status: Complete


Groups are being established for this work to progress at the next Early Help partnership meeting in February 2023.

Further public consultation will take place before 31 March 2024 regarding the youth strategy.

Partnership is ongoing with Public Health and Targeted Youth Support's Sexual Health Offer regarding workforce development (Brooks has now been delivered and C Card Training is in progress).

Supporting Families Development Lead in post and progressing discussions with a wide range of agencies.

FSA post has been recruited to and is in induction period.

Newsletter is a priority to be progressed.

The 'Mind Of My Own' feedback app for children and young people has now been embedded across Early Help.

4.10.03 Relaunch social prescribing and primary prevention programmes

Directorate: Place, Planning and Regeneration

Section: Public Health

Stage: Completed

Due date: 30 September 2023

Percentage complete: 100%

Status: Complete


The social prescribing model is now fully operational. The shift from GP to other settings making referrals is complete.

4.11.02 Schools service level agreement for PE

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Green


The autumn term has included a broad spectrum of opportunities available to Bracknell Forest young people. 

In total this term there has been 14 different events where we have had 2,506 young people attending these external opportunities.

Out of those 2,506 young people, 476 have been children with SEND from both mainstream and special schools. 

This attendance data has come from a total of 29 primary schools and 7 secondary schools engaging with the offer which only leaves 2 primary schools who have not. 

This is another strong start to the academic year and demonstrates that the offer is in line with schools' motivation to participate.

4.11.03 Develop a Sports and Leisure strategy for the borough

Directorate: Delivery

Section: Contract Service

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 60%

Status: Green


Strategic Leisure are making good progress with the strategy. They have undertaken a borough survey, multiple engagement sessions with key stakeholders and a strategy workshop with Members. 

The strategy is still on track to be completed by 31st March 2024.

4.11.04 Develop a programme for the replacement of the Bracknell Leisure Centre and assets

Directorate: Delivery

Section: Contract Services

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 0%

Status: Green


Any replacement programme will come from the development of the sports and leisure strategy. This is currently on track for completion by the 31 March 2024.

4.12.02 Delivery of capital improvements for open spaces

Directorate: Place, Planning and Regeneration

Section: Natural Estate

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 60%

Status: Green


Various projects progressed or completed as planned.

4.12.03 Promoting Active Travel

Directorate: Place, Planning and Regeneration

Section: Highways and Transport

Stage: Complete

Due date: 30 September 2023

Percentage complete: 100%

Status: Completed


'Dr Bike' events, where people can get their cycles checked over by trained mechanics and have basic improvements made, were held in both July and September for staff in BID organisations in the Southern and Western business areas. 

Two further Dr Bikes were held in September for residents in the Forest Park and Winkfield/North Ascot areas when close to 30 cycles were seen.

Also at these events the expansion of the Eco Rewards scheme to include walking and cycling routes on the approaches to Martins Heron rail station was promoted.  The events were very popular with all who attended and generated lots of positive social media posts.

Council officers attended 6 of the Summer of Fun events coordinated by the parish and town councils to promote walking and cycling, and representatives from Eco Rewards also attended. Officers spoke to many residents, handing out cycle maps and giving advice and support to allow more people to make active choices. At several of the events partners from Avanti set up cycle obstacle courses for children to practise their skill.

 'Cycle September', a month-long challenge to encourage people to ride as much as possible and log their rides to win prizes and help their employers top leader-boards, was widely promoted. Seventeen local workplaces took part in the challenge and over 1,800 cycle trips were recorded - a 20% increase on the same event last year.

New pedestrian crossing facilities outside Owlsmoor Primary and Edgbarrow Secondary Schools were installed over the summer holidays. These facilities will provide safe crossing points and encourage more walking journeys to school. Officers are preparing a bid to secure £78,000 of Active Travel England funding to build two further crossings on the approaches to Brakenhale secondary school and King's Academy Binfield.

4.13.01 Coordinate and lead on the work of the Bracknell Forest Civilian Military Partnership

Directorate: Chief Executive's Office

Section: Community Engagement and Equalities

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Green


Work continues to re-establish the Bracknell Forest Civilian Military Partnership (CMP).

A meeting was held at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst with the Station Staff Officer, Commandant and BFC Armed Forces Champion and Engagement Team to identify priority area of focus, review terms of reference and membership (24 November).

4.13.03 Support the delivery of a Berkshire Civilian Military Partnership

Directorate: Chief Executive's Office

Section: Community Engagement and Equalities

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Green


Following the outcome of the local elections, the Royal County of Berkshire Civilian Military Partnership met on 5 October 2023 to update its membership, elect a new chair and vice chair and agree the group's terms of reference. 

Ideas for the implementation of each item on the Partnership Action Plan were also discussed and a commitment to an annual event to raise awareness.