Corporate performance on education and skills

Each of the 'education and skills' objectives below have a green, amber or red status.

The colours represent the progress made in relation to each objective. Green indicates that progress is being made as per our planned schedule. The numbers represent how many objectives have been allocated that status.

Quarter 3 2023 to 2024









Objective details

Select an objective below to learn more about what we've been doing.

3.01.02 Schools estate is maintained to a good standard

Directorate: Delivery

Section: Property

Stage: Completed

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 100%

Status: Complete


Schools projects are 100% complete with all snags complete.

3.02.02 Support for schools with standards and effectiveness partners

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Green


Standards and Effectiveness Partners (STEPs) provided the full support package for the 24 schools who purchase the Standards and Effectiveness SLA.

A detailed evaluation of an aspect of the school's curriculum was undertaken in each school, alongside support for target setting, an evaluation of outcomes and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the school's improvement planning. Evaluation of the work of the STEPs at the end of the term has been very positive, with school leaders reporting that they have valued the support and challenge.

One of the 4 schools of concern is no longer subject to the Standards Monitoring Board process as a result of the positive progress made. However one further primary school has now been issued with a declaration of concern. This means the total number of 'LA category 3' schools remains at 4. 

The 3 remaining schools have been provided with additional support from the STEPs, and are all making good progress.

3.02.03 Promote best practice in schools

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Green


The final formal stage of the SEND peer review programme has been delivered in this quarter, with schools sharing their actions plans and considering effective implementation.

24 schools completed the process and attended all of the training sessions. Evaluations were very positive, and all schools have shared the key strengths emerging from their reviews, in order to facilitate the sharing of best practice across the LA. 

Headteacher Briefings in during this quarter have included extended presentations showcasing best practice in English and mathematics, through the exploration of current DfE guidance and Ofsted reviews. 

The Teacher Reading Group has entered it's second year, and continues to be a highly effective forum for sharing best practice in promoting reading for pleasure. All subject leader network meetings have taken place this term, and have included the sharing of current research articles and best practice case studies, including specialist inputs from nationally recognised specialists. 

Governor training has been delivered by the standards team focusing on best practice in provision for pupils with SEND, for Pupil Premium pupils, and in relation to the effective use of assessment information.

3.02.04 Retain good school Ofsted ratings

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Green


The proportion of schools judged to be good or better continues to be 97%. Inspection reports for Binfield Primary School and St Margaret Clitherow were published during this quarter. Both schools retained their previous judgements of 'good'.

Ascot Heath Primary School was also inspected, and the report will be published early in the new year.

3.03.01 Economic Skills and Development Partnership: Education sub-group

Directorate: Place, Planning and Regeneration

Section: Regeneration and Economic Development

Stage: Completed

Due date: 30 September 2023

Percentage complete: 100%

Status: Complete


Economic Skills and Development Partnership (ESDP) sub group has met to progress key projects including skills and training hub as part of UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme.

3.04.03 Undertake a comprehensive review of all youth services

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: Completed

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 100%

Status: Complete


The youth review is complete. Recommendations are being considered by the department management team. The youth strategy will be going to consultation imminently.

3.04.04 Review youth justice services

Directorate: People

Section: Children's Social Care

Stage: Completed

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 100%

Status: Complete


This is now complete fully, signed off and been subject to a HMI inspection.

3.05.01 Continue to increase the number of apprenticeship roles throughout the council

Directorate: Resources

Section: HR and OD

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 80%

Status: Green


The apprenticeship numbers are increasing with 49 currently in place which cover 23 roles throughout the council and schools.

3.05.02 Effectively use the apprenticeship levy

Directorate: Resources

Section: HR and OD

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 70%

Status: Green


The current number of staff working through apprenticeships in the council is 49. The team are working through other opportunities to consider other opportunities can be explored to further support the retention and recruitment work.

3.05.09 Support school leaders to recruit and effectively manage their workforce

Directorate: Resources

Section: HR and OD

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 60%

Status: Green


The programme to support schools to recruit newly qualified teachers for September has begun. This takes the form of attendance at recruitment fairs and headteacher recruitment panels. This has provided 9 candidates who can be appointed to vacant posts for the next academic year.

3.06.01 Support the efficacy of early years professionals

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Green


Many schools have requested in school Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) training last term, with areas such as interactions, planning and developing high quality learning environments being most popular. Sessions typically last an hour and a half and running them in school, rather than as a course, allows for the content and discussion to be bespoke to school's individual needs. 

The network meeting in October was well attended and delegates looked at assessment, data analysis and toolkits to support needs identification of SEN learners. 

The majority of Reception classes in Bracknell are seeking additional information about how to support SEN as an increase in children with higher level needs has meant schools have had to modify their provision to make sure children thrive with a variety of needs. 

Schools are consistently exhibiting a positive response, demonstrating a readiness to learn and adapt their practices to cater to the diverse needs of all their learners. This will be an ongoing area for continued professional development (CPD) support for schools this year. 

EYFS strategic lead partners have held 2 open days in their schools, offering an opportunity for schools to visit and share in discussion about best practice. These sessions are always well attended, and feedback demonstrates this is a valued experience for schools.

3.07.01 Support care leavers to access education, training or employment

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 60%

Status: Green


There are currently just over 50% of Care Leavers (19 to 21) who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), but 21% are currently assessed as unfit for work by the DWP or are parents of young children with very limited support networks. Of the remaining 30%, there are a number of our Care Leavers signed off from work by GPs due to struggling with mental health and other circumstances.  

The Leaving Care Service and DWP are supporting our Care Leavers to be able to access education, training and employment, whilst Elevate are able to support those Care Leavers who are fit for work. 

Support to become EET is provided as an additional service through the Elevate in partnership with the Leaving Care Service including:

  • a monthly newsletter
  • weekly Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) appointments at:
    • Braccan Walk every Thursday 
    • the Look Ahead sites every Tuesday

The John Lewis Partnership are also providing support to care leavers, including: 

  • Work Ready programmes
  • sessions for drop-ins and tours
  • work experience for their warehouse and other work experience opportunities

The John Lewis Partnership are also exploring apprenticeship opportunities for care experienced young people. 

Additionally, NEET programme sessions through The Story Group are in place to support whilst undertaking procurement. 

Other support in relation to providing Maths and English tuition and employability sessions is also being considered. 

Just over 50% of our Care Leavers are NEET, but 21% are currently assessed as unfit for work by the DWP or are parents of young children with very limited support networks. Of the remaining 30%, there are a number signed off from work by GPs due to struggling with mental health. However, this is the cohort for who we can hopefully do something to support their return to education or employment. Therefore, 30% is a more realistic target than 25% in the current circumstances, and once reached we can re-focus efforts to reduce further, between Elevate, Leaving Care and DWP.

3.08.01 Establish a culture of high expectations for all children

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Green


The Autumn term has been an inclusion focused term for the Standards and Effectiveness Team. 

Both the SENDCo Forum and the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) Network meetings had an inclusion focus. Thinking about the impact of low income, the exclusion that it can bring and the importance of being with and learning with their peers, unlocking the positive holistic impact that it has. 

Training has been provided this term on developing an effective and strategic relationship between the SENDCo and SEN Governor to continue to raise standards for your people with SEND. Making sure governors have a clear understanding of their role, aligned to their core functions and the SEND Code of Practice, Childrens and Families Act and the Equalities Act. Very positive feedback has been received to date in relation to this course, its effectiveness in covering the aims, as well as the range and depth of information, and data provided.

Standards and Effectiveness have this term taken lead roles in elements of the Written Statement of Action.

Supporting the delivery of the SEND Preparation for Adulthood Roadshow. 

Taking a leading role in the soft launch of the graduated approach; identifying settings and developing the training, briefing and drop-in sessions ready for the start of the spring term.  To date, seven of the nine settings have positively responded to taking part in the soft launch of the graduated approach and attending the briefing session on the 8 January.

The Standards and Effectiveness team have also continued to lead and deliver the SEND Review Programme. The 3 November saw the last of the engagement days, focusing on the implementation of the SEND Action Plans developed by schools. To date 15 of the 24 schools have provided their SEND Action plans, of which 14 have also provided details of their strengths that were identified as part of the SEND Peer Review process. Current themes identified across the schools action plans include:

  • Quality First Teaching
  • interventions and Strategies
  • parent and carers
  • SEND specific staff CPD
  • tracking and monitoring
  • teaching assistants
  • subject and phase leader development
  • environment
  • process and systems
  • curriculum

The schools identified strengths will be used to develop a directory of strong practice, that schools can use as part of the community of practice.  Evaluations completed after the final engagement day, indicate that the programme has had a positive impact. 92% of respondents reported that they had found the SEND Review Process valuable or extremely valuable, and that 100% of respondents felt it had helped them to identify clear strengths and next steps. 

The Standards team, this term as part of their school visits have discussed the SEND Review and their action plans with them, making sure that they are at the heart of school development planning. Several schools have made positive comments in relation to the programme, including:

"The process of the self-evaluation and the peer visit has raised the profile of SEND and put a spotlight on areas of SEND for staff. It has opened up conversations and opportunities to involve others and for them to reflect on their own practice in terms of supporting SEND and Inclusion in our school."

3.08.02 Support transition to next stage of learning

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Amber


To support transition from Year 6 to 7, a questionnaire was sent to all secondary schools this term, for completion by Year 7. To date, 136 pupils have completed the questionnaire, representing a number of primary schools. The results indicate that most pupils visited the secondary school before they started and felt prepared prior to beginning secondary education. Of the 3 core subjects, pupils felt less prepared for maths, based on their primary education, with 70% feeling prepared, compared to 76% in writing and 80% in reading. More responses will be required before any wider conclusions can be drawn. More remains to be done to build on the work of last year's working party.

Also aiming to support transition at key points is the implementation of the LA Early Intervention Team, to provide specialised assistance for pupils with SEND.

3.08.04 Deliver the agreed actions within the Written Statement of Action

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 December 2023

Percentage complete: 77%

Status: Amber


Delivery of the Written Statement of Action (WSOA) continues, with 81 of the 113 actions now complete. 

The fourth monitoring meeting with the DfE and NHS England took place in mid-December and formal feedback is yet to be received.

 Whilst leadership within the council's SEND services remains stable, significant capacity has been diverted to developing our Safety Valve plans over the last quarter, which has impacted on the pace of delivery for the WSOA.

3.08.05 Complete review of home to school transport services

Directorate: Delivery

Stage: Completed

Due date: 30 September 2023

Percentage complete: 100%

Status: Complete


Review completed, as reported at end of quarter 1.

3.08.06 Co-produce a strategy for all social work services

Directorate: People

Section: Children's Social Care

Stage: In progress

Due date: 31 March 2024

Percentage complete: 75%

Status: Amber


The first draft of the strategy has been reviewed extensively by the Designated Social Care Officer (DSCO) and the Parent Carer Forum (PCF) and is now ready for production.  We are on target to meet the revised deadline of 31 March 2024.

3.08.07 Co-produce a SEND strategy

Directorate: People

Section: Education and Learning

Stage: Complete

Due date: 30 September 2023

Percentage complete: 100%


The SEND strategy 2023 to 2026 has now been completed and published as part of our Local Offer. 

It was co-produced with parents and our partners, including schools, health colleagues and social care.