Bluebell Hill

Bluebell Hill is a 2.1 hectare greenspace located in north Bullbrook.

The site is used regularly by local residents for walking and dog walking, with people taking advantage of the views at the top of the hill overlooking Bracknell Town Centre.

Bluebell Hill

Improvements carried out at Bluebell Hill include:

  • a new hedgerow around the southern boundary
  • new paths to provide year-round access to the site
  • a new wildflower meadow and community orchard
  • native spring bulbs including lily of the valley, wild daffodils and tulips


Bluebell Hill has:

  • a seating area and surfaced paths
  • grassland, meadow and woodland habitats
  • views overlooking Bracknell Town Centre
  • a community orchard

How to get to Bluebell Hill

By car

There is no car park for Bluebell Hill.

The best place to park is at Lily Hill Park car park (RG12 2RX). This is an 11 minute walk away.

By foot

You can access the site from the cycleway running along its north western edge, as well as from Scott Terrace and Hill Copse View.

By bus

There is a bus stop at the bottom of the site on Bullbrook Drive. Buses run to and from Bracknell Town Centre.


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Explore the site

Park management

Bluebell Hill is managed to provide an attractive place for local residents to visit and a home for wildlife. 

Improvements we have made include:

  • path network upgrade so you can enjoy year-round access to the site
  • areas of grassland have been converted to wildflower meadows to create floral displays in summer
  • spring bulb planting and establishment of a new native hedgerow


The woodland on top of the hill is used by a variety of wildlife including badgers, foxes, bats and many species of birds for which bird boxes have been made available. We ask that people do not cut through this section to avoid disturbing the wildlife. 

The older trees are likely to have high ecological value for bat roosts, bird nesting sites and supporting specific fungi and lichen species.

Areas of holly and bramble have been removed to help increase the diversity of ground flora, such as bluebells. Bracken has been thinned out around the woodland edge.

The biodiversity value of the grassland has also been improved by converting selected areas into wildflower and hay meadow. These will help attract bees and butterflies.

Towards the north of the site a small pond has been dug to encourage frogs, toads and insects such as damselflies and dragonflies. This wetland habitat will add to a network of seasonal and permanent ponds across the area, such as those that can be found at Westmorland, Newt Reserve, Harvest Hill, Garth Pond and Garth Meadows.

Contact information

Parks and Countryside

Make an enquiry


Hill Copse View
RG12 2PS
United Kingdom


A tarmacked path runs at the bottom of the site along Bullbrook Drive. Here, a path can be accessed that leads through the bottom woodland, up the slope and past the orchard.

At the top on the other side of the hill is a bench where a steep, gravel path leads down through the meadow to the bus stop. This may be difficult to access in a wheelchair.