Notifying us
If you intend to demolish a building exceeding 50 cubic metres, roughly the size of a single garage, you need to fill in a demolition notification form to get a licence.
You must not start until a demolition notice is issued.
The process
You need to:
- send us your completed form, 6 weeks prior to the start of the works
- include a site plan showing the boundaries and extent of demolition
- include information such as precautionary measures you intend to put into place to safeguard adjacent buildings and any general public protection measures
- notify adjacent occupiers and the gas, electric and water suppliers by sending them a copy of the form and demolition notice
We aim to issue you with a notice within 5 working days. You should not start demolition until you receive this notice. The notice will contain conditions designed to secure the health and safety of the public.
Copies of the notice will be sent to:
- gas, electric and water suppliers
- adjacent occupiers
- Environmental Health
- the Fire Service
Bats and birds check
Before undertaking demolition works, appropriate action must be taken to check the building or structure for evidence of bats as a European protected species. Reasonable effort must also be taken to make sure no bird nests are present as these are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Relevant guidance includes: