
From 1 April 2024 comments from interested parties on appeals will only be accepted through the Appeals Casework Portal using the link below.  The Planning Inspectorate will no longer accept interested party comments by email.

When an application is refused, only the applicant has a right of appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

Appeals may also be made against conditions which the council has imposed on a permission and which the applicant considers unreasonable.

If you have been notified of a planning application or have submitted a comment about it, we will inform you if an appeal is made.

Excluding householder appeal types you will then be given the opportunity to make any comments directly to the Planning Inspectorate.

Comment on an appeal

How to appeal

Visit the Planning Portal for guidance on how to make an appeal.

To make an appeal, visit the Planning Inspectorate using the link below. Choose the type of appeal you want to make from the menu at the top of the page.

Make an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate

Send all correspondence directly to the Planning Inspectorate and not the council.

All appeal documentation will be added to the original planning application on the online planning register.

Appellants/Agents/Rule 6 parties

If you need to book break out rooms for any appeal hearing or public inquiry, request a room as early in the process as possible. Email with your room requests.

If a room is available there will be a fee, payable in advance, of £336 plus VAT per day per room - once the fee has been received, the room will be booked for your party.

We will not provide hard copies of any documentation for the appeal - all necessary documents will be shared to all parties in PDF format only.

Planning decision appeals

You can find a list of appeals on our online planning register.

View decisions and appeals