Planning decisions and appeals

Planning decisions and the Planning Committee

Around 90% of planning applications are decided under powers delegated to planning officers. The circumstances for doing this are set out in the council constitution.

Local councillors are provided with a list of all planning applications. The council’s constitution allows councillors to refer applications to the Planning Committee under specific circumstances.

The Planning Committee

Where permission is recommended by the planning officer and the application has attracted more than 5 valid planning objections from different households or other organisations, the application will go before the Planning Committee. This will also happen if the recommendation is contrary to the council's adopted planning policies.

The conduct of members in relation to the consideration of planning matters is governed by the council's planning protocol.

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Planning Committee meetings

The Planning Committee meets monthly and is made up of councillors from all parts of the borough. It usually meets on a Thursday evening at 6:30pm in the council chamber at Time Square.

You are welcome to attend this committee and listen to the debate.

You can also watch the meeting online. Links to the meetings are listed on our virtual public meetings page

View dates and more information about the Planning Committee.

Public speaking at the Planning Committee

Only planning applications with 10 or more objections are eligible for public speaking.

Anyone who has contributed towards the application will be informed if the application is going to committee and if it is eligible for public speaking.

Only one person can speak for the application and one person against. They will only have 3 minutes each to speak and state their case. Who speaks for and against is for the public, who register through customer services, to decide between themselves.

To speak at the committee meeting you must register with the council by midday at least 3 working days before the day of the meeting (for example, midday on the preceding Monday for a Thursday meeting). The following guide provides details of how to register to speak.

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