Other ways to comment or object


You can submit comments by email. You must include your name and full postal address together with the reference number of the application. Failure to do so may result in your comments not being taken into account.

You do not have to include your telephone number and email address. However, should a planning officer wish to contact you it would be useful.

Send your comments or objections to development.control@bracknell-forest.gov.uk


You can submit comments as a petition as long as they follow the format set out below:

  • each page of the petition is headed with the aim of the petition
  • the names and full addresses of those that sign the petition are provided and readable
  • the comments are clearly stated and are valid planning reasons
  • the petition coordinator is made known - the case officer will only communicate with this person

There must be 20 signatures for the petition to be considered valid.

If a petition objecting to a planning application is received with 20 or more signatures, the application will be referred to a Planning Committee for a decision rather than being dealt with by a case officer.

Please use our petition document to gather your signatures.

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