Hearing action points |
EXAM 7 |
Jun-22 |
BFC - Science Innovation Park Viability Appraisal |
Jun-22 |
Barton Willmore for TW CEG Sygenta - Viability Note for EIP |
Jun-22 |
SAND10 Heritage Briefing Note-Igloo Planning (HCUK group) |
EXAM 9 |
June 22 |
Jealott's Hill Site Visit Information |
EXAM 10 |
June 22 |
Jealott's Hill Concept Plan OS Overlay |
EXAM 11 |
June 22 |
BFC - AP3.1 Response - LP7 Exemplar Policy Comparison |
EXAM 12 |
June 22 |
BFC - AP4.1 Response - Plan Period and Housing Numbers |
EXAM 13 |
June 22 |
BFC - AP4.3 Response - Warfield Neighbourhood Plan |
EXAM 14 |
June 22 |
Action point 4.3 plus Addendum - Warfield NP Update |
EXAM 14A |
December 22 |
BFC - AP8.1 Response - SIP Occupancy Restriction |
EXAM 15 |
June 22 |
BFC - AP11.2 Response - BRA18 Marketing Information |
EXAM 16 |
June 22 |
BFC - Action Point 1.4 Response - LP7 |
EXAM 17 |
June 22 |
AP 8.3 - Jealotts Hill - SOCG - signed 7 July 2022 |
EXAM 18 |
August 22 |
Letter from Inspectors following submission of JH SoCG (7 July 2022) |
EXAM 18A |
August 22 |
BFC - AP 10.1-10.4 and associated G10.1-G10.3 changes to LP5 (Beaufort Park) |
EXAM 19 |
August 22 |
Action point 5.3 - addition of footnote to LP11 Table 12 |
EXAM 20 |
July 22 |
Action Points 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 Amendments to Policy LP13 |
EXAM 21 |
July 22 |
Action point 3.3 - Approach to amendments to settlement boundaries around sites with permission |
EXAM 22 |
July 22 |
Action Point 13.1 - Insert into Section 7.10, 5 year land supply for Gypsies & Travellers |
EXAM 23 |
July 22 |
Action Point 10.4, 10.5 and associated G10.1-G10.3 - Proposed changes to strategic site Policy LP6 (Land east of Wokingham Road and south of Dukes Ride (Derby Field)) |
EXAM 24 |
July 22 |
Action Points 11.1, 11.4, 10.4 and associated G10.1 - G10.3 - Proposed changes to strategic site Policy LP8 (The Peel Centre and The Point) |
EXAM 25 |
July 22 |
Action Point 11.5, 11.7 S Gateway |
EXAM 26 |
July 22 |
Action Point 11.5,11.6 E Gateway |
EXAM 27 |
July 22 |
Action point 4.2 - Amendments to Table 9 in LP4 |
EXAM 28 |
July 22 |
Action point 7.1, 7.2 - Boundaries of Green Belt villages and amendments to Policies LP20 and LP36 |
EXAM 29 |
July 22 |
Action point 9.5, 9.6 - Data sources and assessment of the viability of typologies |
EXAM 30 |
July 22 |
Action point 9.5, 9.6 - Data sources and assessment of the viability of typologies update |
EXAM 30A |
July 22 |
Action point 5.2 - Approach to Article 4 Direction |
EXAM 31 |
July 22 |
Action Point 9.4 - LP9.2. (iii) amend criteria to recognise flexibility on tenure split |
EXAM 32 |
August 22 |
Action point 12.1-12.3, Matter 12 Housing Land Supply |
EXAM 33 |
August 22 |
Matter 12 Housing Land Supply - Consultation responses |
EXAM 33A |
August 22 |
Action Points 6.1 - 6.3 Strategic Gaps and Wedges |
EXAM 34 |
August 22 |
Action Point 5.1 Supply position in Table 12 of LP11 |
EXAM 35 |
August 22 |
Action Point 10.6 Minerals and Waste |
EXAM 36 |
August 22 |
Generic Action Points G10.1-G10.3 - LP7 |
EXAM 37 |
August 22 |
Generic Action Points G10.1-G10.3 - LP5, LP6, LP8 |
EXAM 38 |
August 22 |
Jealotts Hill SOCG Addendum |
EXAM 39 |
August 22 |
Action Point 1.2 Strategic and non-strategic policies |
EXAM 40 |
September 22 |
Action Point 3.2 Spatial Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy |
EXAM 41 |
September 22 |
Action Point 11 - High density development |
EXAM 42 |
September 22 |
Action Point 10.7 Appendix 2 Site Profiles for allocated sites |
EXAM 43 |
September 22 |
Land at Beaufort Park LP5, Walking Isochrones by Mode |
EXAM 44 |
October 22 |