Bracknell Town Centre Masterplans Supplementary Planning Document

Latest news

Our consultation ran from Monday 8 April until Monday 20 May and is now closed.

Responses to the consultation are being considered to inform the final version of the Bracknell Town Centre Masterplans Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).


Following adoption of the new Bracknell Forest Local Plan, planning design guidance is being developed for some key sites. The guidance will influence the type of development delivered in several important locations on the edge of Bracknell town centre that are identified for mixed-use redevelopment.

The Masterplans SPD will provide land use and design guidance for these 3 sites:

  • the Southern Gateway (the bus station and some neighbouring plots)
  • the Eastern Gateway (the area around the former council offices at Easthampstead House)
  • the High Street multi-storey car park

Once adopted, the SPD will be an important consideration in deciding planning applications on these sites.

Public consultation

Our public consultation ran from Monday 8 April until Monday 20 May.

You can view and download the consultation draft SPD below.

Bracknell Town Centre Masterplans SPD draft (PDF, 12 MB)

Public event

We ran informal public exhibitions at The Lexicon on Thursday 25 April and Saturday 27 April.

Officers were there to answer questions and register comments.

Exhibition boards

Exhibition boards were available to view at the following libraries:

The boards are also available to download below.

What happens next

All responses to the consultation will be considered to inform the final version of the SPD. 

We will publish a summary of the feedback and any changes necessary to the SPD.

Once the final version of the SPD is adopted, it will be a material consideration when determining planning applications. 

Contact information

Planning Policy Team