Face-to-face groups and events

Group of people stretching outside on grass

Regular events


Camberley Alzheimer Cafe

For people with dementia, their families, friends, professionals and anyone interested in dementia.

When: 3rd Monday of every month (except August) 
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Where: St. Martin's Church, 231 Upper College Ride, Camberley, GU15 4HE

For more information contact by:

Carer's evening get-together

Come along to our evening get together. The event is hosted by Bracknell Forest Dementia Advisory Service and Bracknell Memory Clinic. 

A member of the team will be on hand to answer any queries or offer advice. It’s a great opportunity to meet up with others in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. No need to book, just turn up.

When: last Monday of the month (excluding bank holidays)
Time: 5:30pm to 7pm
Where: The Prince Pub, Crowthorne, RG45 7AZ

You can contact us by:

Dementia friendly cinema screenings

Bracknell Film Society presents dementia friendly screenings.

These are cinema screenings for people living with dementia and their carers. They include:

  • lights left on low
  • sound levels reduced
  • a short interval during the screening
  • the staff and volunteers at the screenings are Dementia Friends
  • complimentary refreshments after each screening

When: second Monday of the month
Time: doors open at 1:30pm for a 2pm start
Where: South Hill Park
Cost: £6

Find out more about dementia friendly screenings.

Bracknell Forest Dementia Advisory Service will often be available.

Sandhurst Sporting Memories

Sporting Memories uses the power of remembering and talking about sport, along with physical exercise, to tackle dementia, depression and loneliness. Join us for fun, friendship and increased wellbeing. 

When: every Monday
Time: 2pm to 4pm 
Where: Immaculate Conception Church Hall, 63 Yorktown Road, Sandhurst, GU47 9BS

For more information email Gareth Heard at d-heard@sky.com

Social get together

This event is an opportunity for people with dementia and their family members to build relationships in a friendly and welcoming environment.

The dementia advisory service will be on hand for any information or advice. 

When: every Monday 
Time: 10:30am to midday
Where: The Admiral Cunningham, Priestwood Court Road, Bracknell, RG42 1TU 

If you are coming along for the first time, let us know in advance so we can introduce you when you arrive.

You can contact us by:


Carers drop in

This is a monthly drop in for carers, run by Signal4Carers with support from the Dementia Advisory Service. Pop in for information about local support and services for carers. 

When: first Tuesday of the month
Time: 10am to midday
Where: Forget-me-knot, 9 Wildridings Square, Bracknell, RG12 7SJ

For more information contact Signal4Carers by:

Community dementia friendly cafe

An opportunity for people with dementia and their family members to build relationships in a friendly environment. Hosted by Age UK Berkshire.

When: 2nd Tuesday of the month
Time: 11am to 12:30pm
Where: The Royal Foresters, Ascot, SL5 8DR

Knit and Knatter

Come and join in with some knitting projects and friendship. 

When: every Tuesday
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Where: Forget-me-knot, 9 Wildridings Square, Bracknell, RG12 7SJ
Cost: free if you bring your own projects, or we can supply materials for a fee

Tea and coffee available for a donation.

For more information phone 01344 427370. 

Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for people with dementia

These sessions are organised by Age UK Berkshire.

The sessions will include meaningful and stimulating activities proven to help maintain memory and mental function.

A carers' friendship group will also take place at the same time and location.

When: every other Tuesday
Time: 10:30am to 11:30am
Where: Grazeley Village Hall, Church Lane, Grazeley, RG7 1LD
Cost: £5 per person

To register your interest email info@ageukberkshire.org.uk

Neuro walking football

Join us for free neuro walking football sessions. Enjoy an hour of football practice followed by an hour of football quizzes. It's an inclusive and fun way to stay active while stimulating your mind. Everyone welcome.

When: Tuesdays
Time: 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Where: Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, RG12 9SE

For more information contact Callum Salhotra:

Warm welcome Tuesdays

Our over 55’s warm welcome is designed to support vulnerable and socially isolated people, as well as those on lower incomes. 

We offer a warm, friendly and inclusive place with access to light refreshments and snacks. 

You can also get information on how to reduce bills, access financial support and how to stay healthy and well.

When: every Tuesday
Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm
Where: TRAX, Mill Ride, North Ascot, SL5 8JW (behind the parish council offices)

For more information, or to ask for help with transport, phone 0118 959 4242.


Age Concern triple A outings

The Triple-A service provides opportunities for social connection and making memories. Our experienced staff and volunteers make outings more accessible. We also host community coach trips throughout the year.

All outings include a central collection pick up service.

For more information:

Crafts for carers

Weekly free craft session for family and unpaid carers.

Materials are supplied and refreshments are available for a donation.

When: Wednesday
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Where: Forget-me-Knot, 9 Wildridings Square, Bracknell, RG12 7SJ
To book: phone 01344 266088

Dementia cafe

Join us for refreshments and reminiscence organised by Age UK Berkshire.

When: 3rd Wednesday of every month
Time: 10am to midday
Where: Players lounge, Select Car Leasing Stadium (formerly The Madejski Stadium)

To book contact Age UK Berkshire by:

Memory Café

Meet new people and join us for a complimentary afternoon tea.

We understand the challenges that dementia and cognitive difficulties bring. This inclusive space for individuals with dementia and their caregivers is welcoming and supportive. It offers a safe and friendly atmosphere where meaningful interactions can occur, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing feelings of isolation.

When: last Wednesday of the month
Time: from 2pm to 4pm
Where: Astbury Manor, Bracknell

To book, contact Astbury Manor on 01344 359100.

Windsor: Royal reminiscence, dementia-friendly mornings

Every month, Windsor Castle welcomes people living with dementia and their support-givers.

Each week includes a talk and activity on a different theme, supported by a dementia-friendly team.

Sessions run between 10:30am to 12:30pm and are free of charge. Refreshments are included.

Sessions for 2025 are:

  • Wednesday 26 February - Running Windsor Castle
  • Wednesday 26 March - Royal homes
  • Wednesday 30 April - The fire of 1992
  • Wednesday 28 May - The King at Windsor Castle
  • Wednesday 25 June - Banquets and dinners at Windsor Castle
  • Wednesday 30 July - George IV at Windsor Castle
  • Wednesday 24 September - A virtual walk-through of the castle
  • Wednesday 29 October - St George’s chapel
  • Wednesday 26 November - A Victorian Christmas at Windsor Castle

Enjoy a chance to relax, enjoy time together and learn something new about Windsor Castle and royal history.

For more information and to book, go to the Royal Collection Trust booking page.

You can also get in contact by:


Coffee Club - Ascot and Sunningdale carers

Working alone as a carer can often make you feel isolated and alone. 

Join us for a coffee and a chat at Dormy House Care Home and mix and mingle with like-minded people.

When: Third Thursday of every month
Time: 11am to 12:30pm
Where: Dormy House Care Home, Ridgemount Road, Sunningdale, SL5 9RL

For more information, go to the Dormy House local community events page on the Aria website.

You can also get in touch by:

Seated exercises

Join Alzheimer’s Dementia Support (ADS) for seated exercises. They are simple and fun to do.

Refreshments are included and served at the start of the session.

When: every Thursday
Time: 1:30pm to 2:45pm 
Where: King Edwards Hall, Chapel of St Mary & St John King, King Edwards Road, Ascot, SL5 8PD 

To register as a member contact Terrie Hall by:

Walking for mental wellbeing

This is a fun, relaxed group for people experiencing mental health problems. This group is provided free by mental health charity Sport In Mind. Your local representative is Laura.

When: every Thursday
Time: 2pm - lasting between 30 and 60 minutes
Where: South Hill Park - meet outside the main reception in the courtyard

Singing for the Brain

Singing for the Brain is a social activity for people with dementia and their carers. It helps them express themselves and sing with others in a similar situation.

When: fourth Thursday of the month
Time: 11am to 12:30pm
Where: The New Priestwood Community Centre, Priestwood Court Road, Bracknell RG42 1TU

For more information, contact Annabell by:


Coffee, chat and catch up

This group is designed to reduce social isolation. It’s a great place to make friends over a cup of tea or coffee. There is entertainment, crafts and a wealth of things to enjoy.

Where: there are 2 groups, one at St Paul's Church Harmans Water and one at Bullbrook Community Centre
When: 10am to midday on alternate Fridays

For dates and contact details, visit the Age Concern community groups page.

Dementia forum

This is a forum for anyone with an interest in dementia. 

Get updates, meet other members of the dementia community and share your views on local services for people with dementia and their family, friends and carers.

When: last Friday of April and October
Time: 11am to 2pm
Where: Easthampstead Baptist Church, Bracknell. Berkshire RG12 7NS

For more information, get in contact by:

Memory lane singing cafe

Come and sing along to songs that everyone remembers, socialise and get moving.

Suitable for all older people including those with dementia.

When: once a month
Where: The Cornerstone, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham, RG40 1UE
Cost: £2.50 per person includes refreshments

For more information or to book contact:

Singing for pleasure

Join Alzheimer’s Dementia Support (ADS) for some singing. Singing is for pleasure so you don’t need a good singing voice to come and join in our sessions.

Refreshments are included and served at the start of the session.

When: every Friday
Time: 10:30am to midday
Where: King Edwards Hall, Chapel of St Mary & St John King, King Edwards Road, Ascot, SL5 8PD 

To register as a member contact Terrie Hall by:

Contact information

Dementia Adviser

Contact the dementia adviser by:

For out of hours emergency mental health support, phone 0800 129 9999.

For out of hours emergency social care support, phone 01344 351999.

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