Virtual groups and events

Two older people sat on the floor in front of a sofa, looking at a computer screen and doing arm stretches


Join an online support group to meet other carers, share experiences and find support: 

Singing for the brain

Join us for a fun virtual singing session, brought to you by the Alzheimer's Society of Berks, Bucks, Oxon and Milton Keynes. 

When: every Monday

Contact the Alzheimer's Society for details by:

3 Nations Dementia Working Group

The 3 Nations Dementia Working Group (3NDWG) is a group of people living with dementia across England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Members are based all across the 3 nations, creating a network of voices on dementia who can lead on regional projects.

The group host regular webinars which you can view on the 3 Nations Dementia Working Group website.

Young onset dementia

Young Dementia Network host a series of free young onset dementia webinars. 

For more information, visit the Young Dementia Network website.

Contact information

Dementia Adviser

Contact the dementia adviser by:

For out of hours emergency mental health support, phone 0800 129 9999.

For out of hours emergency social care support, phone 01344 351999.

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