How we carry out assessments

We use the 3 Conversations Model to assess your needs.

This is a move away from unnecessary long processes and questioning to one that is proportionate and driven by the person. This model focuses on a more natural conversation that gets straight to the presenting issues, problem solving together to find sustainable solutions.

There are 3 stages:

First Conversation

A first conversation is aimed at helping people who may or may not be eligible under the Care Act.

The focus is on short-term, quality interactions as early help or to prevent/delay need.

Second Conversation

A second conversation focuses on short term interventions to help the person to resolve an immediate need or crisis.

The aim of a second conversation is for the person to regain control and independence.

Third Conversation

The third conversation is the point at which long term support is established under our statutory processes and duties.

All long-term support for carers is reviewed yearly.

Contact information

Adult Social Care