Place Directorate key performance indicators

These key performance indicators help us measure progress in delivering our Council Plan ambitions, key objectives and priorities. They are strategic indicators that we track over the long term and report on quarterly.

View the quarterly updates on key performance indicators by strategic theme. Note that the previous quarterly updates still reflect the old Council Plan.

Engaged and healthy communities​

Key result indicators

Key results are identified in the Council Plan to measure progress being made towards our goals. They are outcome focused for residents and will often require many partners, organisations and the community to influence the outcome.

Key result indicators for engaged and healthy communities​
Reference Goal Indicators Baseline Year 1 (24/25) target Year 2 (25/26) target Year 3 (26/27) target Lead officer
1.4.1.KR​ The diverse and growing population is healthy and active.​ Number of visitors to monitored open spaces​ New Establish baseline +2% increase +2% increase Head of Natural Estates​
1.4.2.KR​ The diverse and growing population is healthy and active.​ Rate of smokers (per 100,000) who have quit within 4 weeks of setting a quit date 2,300 3,000 4,000 5,000 Deputy Director: Public Health​
1.4.3.KR​ The diverse and growing population is healthy and active.​ Percentage of adults enrolled in the weight management service losing any weight​ 20%​ 30% 24% 40% Deputy Director: Public Health​
1.5.2.KR​ Community development and spaces encourage a cohesive and engaged community.​ Number of people using the community asset map webpages​ 3,600 7,600 12,500​ 15,000​ Deputy Director: Public Health​

Performance indicators

Performance indicators are specific metrics that have a performance related target. These provides information to review service performance in the context of the Council Plan goals.

Performance indicators for engaged and healthy communities​
Reference Goal Indicators Baseline Year 1 (24/25) target Year 2 (25/26) target Year 3 (26/27) target Lead officer
1.1.3.PI​ Children have quality education and opportunities to fulfil their potential.​ Number of visits to the Look Out Discovery Centre​ 77,500​ 78,500​ 79,500​ 80,000​ Head of Natural Estates​
1.4.6.PI​ The diverse and growing population is healthy and active.​ Number of young participants in Bikeability cycle training​ 850 965​ 1080​ 1200​ Transport Strategy Manager​
1.6.1.PI Residents have a safe and affordable place to live.​ Number of schemes delivered to support Safer Routes to School programme​ 3 3 5 5 Highway Engineering Manager​

Contextual indicators

Contextual indicators are outcome focused and reflect the wider community. These will include indicators where a performance related target is not appropriate but offers information relevant to the delivery of services and Council Plan goals.​

Contextual indicators for engaged and healthy communities​
Reference Goal Indicators Baseline Year 1 (24/25) target Year 2 (25/26) target Year 3 (26/27) target Lead officer
1.6.1.CI​ Residents have a safe and affordable place to live.​ Completions of new homes in line with housing trajectory​ 437   441 489 566 Development Plan Team Manager
1.6.2.CI​ Residents have a safe and affordable place to live.​ Affordable housing completions on qualifying sites (percentage of total completions on qualifying sites)​ Not applicable 35% 35% 35% Development Plan Team Manager

Thriving and connected economy

Key result indicators

Key results are identified in the Council Plan to measure progress being made towards our goals. They are outcome focused for residents and will often require many partners, organisations and the community to influence the outcome.

Key result indicators for a thriving and connected economy
Reference Goal Indicators Baseline Year 1 (24/25) target Year 2 (25/26) target Year 3 (26/27) target Lead officer
2.1.1.KR​ Resident skills are enhanced, meeting local employment needs.​ Unemployment rate of the working age, economically active population​  3% 2.5%​ 2.3%​ 2% Head of Economic Development and Regeneration
2.1.2.KR​ Resident skills are enhanced, meeting local employment needs.​ Apprenticeship starts since start of academic year​ 710 730 750 770 Head of Economic Development and Regeneration
2.2.3.KR​ Bracknell town centre continues to thrive and be a destination of choice.​ Footfall within Bracknell town centre (percentage change since previous year)​ 100 105 110 115 Head of Economic Development and Regeneration
2.3.2.KR​ Town, village and neighbourhood centres are thriving hubs for community activity.​ Percentage of occupied units on neighbourhood parades owned ​by the council 100% 100% 100% 100% Head of Strategic Property
2.4.1.KR​ Town, village and neighbourhood centres are thriving hubs for community activity.​ Business survival beyond 4 years​ 52.6% ​ 53% 54% 55% Head of Economic Development and Regeneration
2.4.2.KR​ Businesses have the space, environment, and support to adapt and grow.​ Number of new businesses births in Bracknell Forest​ 520 530 540 550 Head of Economic Development and Regeneration
2.4.3.KR​ Businesses have the space, environment, and support to adapt and grow.​ Percentage of occupied light industrial units owned by the council​ 94% 95% 95% 95% Head of Strategic Property

Contextual indicators

Contextual indicators are outcome focused and reflect the wider community. These will include indicators where a performance related target is not appropriate but offers information relevant to the delivery of services and Council Plan goals.​

Contextual indicators for a thriving and connected economy
Reference Goal Indicators Baseline Year 1 (24/25) target Year 2 (25/26) target Year 3 (26/27) target Lead officer
2.3.1.CI​ Town, village and neighbourhood centres are thriving hubs for community activity.​ Number of street works permit applications received​ 7672 7672 7672 7672 Traffic Manager​

Green and sustainable environment​

Key result indicators

Key results are identified in the Council Plan to measure progress being made towards our goals. They are outcome focused for residents and will often require many partners, organisations and the community to influence the outcome.

Key result indicators for a green and sustainable environment​
Reference Goal Indicators Baseline Year 1 (24/25) target Year 2 (25/26) target Year 3 (26/27) target Lead officer
3.1.5.KR​ There is collective action to address and adapt to the climate and biodiversity emergency.​ Number of trees being supported during the quarter to independence​ 1,848 ​ 1,900​ 1,900​ 1,900​ Head of Natural Estates​
3.2.2.KR​ Our green spaces and parks foster sustainability, biodiversity, and wellbeing.​ Number of hours volunteering with parks and countryside activities​ 7,139​ 7,200​ 7,200​ 7,200​ Head of Natural Estates​
3.3.3.KR​ Local transport networks provide choice in travel.​ Green travel miles recorded through the eco-rewards scheme​ 20,000​ 100,000​ 100,000​ 100,000​ Deputy Director: Public Health​
3.1.3.KR​ There is collective action to address and adapt to the climate and biodiversity emergency.​ Number of publicly available charge points per 100,000 population​ 63.1​ 80.6​ 121.0​ 201.6​ Assistant Director: Highways and Transport​
3.2.1.KR​ Our green spaces and parks foster sustainability, biodiversity, and wellbeing.​ Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace and other Open Space of Public Value secured (hectares). Where open space secured through planning process to standard. ​ 15.87Ha​ 13.01Ha​ 2.66Ha​ 2.66Ha​ Assistant Director: Planning​
3.2.3.KR​ Our green spaces and parks foster sustainability, biodiversity, and wellbeing.​ Average percentage biodiversity net gain across new developments​ New 10%​ 10%​ 10%​ Head of Natural Estates​
3.3.1.KR​ Local transport networks provide choice in travel.​ Number of journeys across Thames Valley buses supported network​ 353,000​ 363,500​ 375,000​ 385,000​ Assistant Director: Highways and Transport​
3.3.2.KR​ Local transport networks provide choice in travel.​ Income received from Community Infrastructure Levy (Income received, liability notices, demand notices)​ £3,104,108​ £3,162,400​ £3,162,400​ £3,162,400​ Assistant Director: Planning ​

Contextual indicators

Contextual indicators are outcome focused and reflect the wider community. These will include indicators where a performance related target is not appropriate but offers information relevant to the delivery of services and Council Plan goals.​

Contextual indicators for a green and sustainable environment​
Reference Goal Indicators Baseline Year 1 (24/25) target Year 2 (25/26) target Year 3 (26/27) target Lead officer
3.1.1.CI​ There is collective action to address and adapt to the climate and biodiversity emergency.​ Renewable energy generated through council estate, including maintained schools (Kw)​ 471 600 700 800 Assistant Director: Property Services​

Ambitious, resilient and sustainable organisation​

Performance indicators

Performance indicators are specific metrics that have a performance related target. These provides information to review service performance in the context of the Council Plan goals.

Performance indicators for an ambitious, resilient and sustainable organisation​
Reference Goal Indicators Baseline Year 1 (24/25) target Year 2 (25/26) target Year 3 (26/27) target Lead officer
4.1.05.PI​ We deliver quality services, seeking ways to improve.​ Percentage of corporate maintenance projects completed on time and on budget​ 70% 70% 70% 70% Head of Strategic Asset Management​
4.1.06.PI​ We deliver quality services, seeking ways to improve.​ Percentage of A classification roads defined as ‘red’ against the Department for Transport road condition index​ 7% 8% 7% 6% Assistant Director: Highways and Transport​
4.1.07.PI​ We deliver quality services, seeking ways to improve.​ Percentage of B and C classification roads defined as ‘red’ against the Department for Transport road condition index​ 4% 5% 4% 3% Assistant Director: Highways and Transport​
4.1.08.PI​ We deliver quality services, seeking ways to improve.​ Percentage of minor planning applications decided within time or with an extension of time​ 69% 90% 90% 90% Assistant Director: Planning​
4.1.09.PI​ We deliver quality services, seeking ways to improve.​ Percentage of major planning applications decided within time or with an extension of time ​ 88% 85% 85% 85% Assistant Director: Planning​

Contextual indicators

Contextual indicators are outcome focused and reflect the wider community. These will include indicators where a performance related target is not appropriate but offers information relevant to the delivery of services and Council Plan goals.​

Contextual indicators for an ambitious, resilient and sustainable organisation
Reference Goal Indicators Baseline Year 1 (24/25) target Year 2 (25/26) target Year 3 (26/27) target Lead officer
4.1.3.CI​ We deliver quality services, seeking ways to improve.​ Percentage of planning appeals dismissed​ 65 66 66 66 Assistant Director: Planning​
4.3.2.CI​ We lead in reducing our carbon footprint.​ Tonnage of low carbon road material used within planned highway maintenance programmes​ 7000 7700​ 7840​ 8,050​ Highway Engineering Manager​
4.3.3.CI​ We lead in reducing our carbon footprint.​ Total number of vehicles and internal combustion engine (ICE) powered plant converted to electric (associated with the highway works contract)​ 4 5 8 9 Assistant Director: Highways and Transport​
4.3.4.CI​ We lead in reducing our carbon footprint.​ Energy saved from modification to electrical assets (kWh)​ 2,295,000​ (total usage) 91,800​ 137,700 ​ 137,700 ​ Assistant Director: Highways and Transport​