Building notices

Types of work suitable for building notices

The building notice route is the alternative to the full plans route.

This method of application is suitable for most small domestic work, such as the installation of a bathroom or minor internal alterations to a domestic property.

It is not acceptable for applications covering commercial or public environments.

The building notice procedure is especially suitable for the following types of building work:

  • minor internal alterations to domestic property such as the removal of one or two walls or a chimney breast
  • small single storey domestic extensions using standard forms of construction
  • conversion of a garage or similar outbuilding into living accommodation
  • detached outbuildings to which the regulations apply
  • new chimneys or flues
  • installation of boilers or other heating appliances - where the work is being carried out by an installer registered with an appropriate, government-approved Competent Persons Scheme no formal application will be needed
  • electrical works to dwellings or associated outbuildings and garden areas - where the work is being carried out by an installer registered with an appropriate, government approved Competent Persons Scheme, no formal application will be needed
  • the provision of a new bathroom, shower or WC
  • replacement of roof covering material
  • underpinning of foundations
  • installation of insulation material in an existing cavity wall

The fundamental difference between this type of application and the full plans application is that this route does not require the submission of detailed plans. 

However it is more risky than using the full plans process.


The building notice route has some disadvantages:

  • no plan approval is given for the proposals - some financial institutions may require you to have plan approval proof to release funds
  • as no plans are approved, this may lead to an increased risk of contraventions of the building regulations occurring as work progresses on site and additional costs may be incurred to correct the issue
  • if you choose the building notice route then you should be sure that you have agreed what the builder will build and what is to be included in the price
  • it places emphasis on you and your builder to make sure the work complies with the building regulations
  • only one fee is payable and this is made when you initially submit the application (although only one payment is needed, the cost is identical to the overall fee paid for a full plans submission)

Guidance notes

Your notice must be accompanied by a location plan (scale at least 1:1250) and a dimensioned block plan with elevations showing:

  • the size and position of the building as extended, and its relationship to adjoining boundaries
  • the boundaries of the curtilage of the building, or the building as extended, and the size, position and use of every other building or proposed building within the curtilage
  • the provision to be made for foul and roof water drainage of the building or extension including positions of existing and proposed drains and depths of any chambers
  • the width and position of any street on or within the boundaries of the curtilage of the building or building as extended
  • the position of all trees within 30m of the proposal

How to make a building notice

Check for the charges on our building regulations charges page.

You can apply and pay online.

Submit an online building notice

You can also download a copy of the application form:

Attachment Size
284 KB

If you want to use other means, such as Bankers' Automated Clearing Services (BACS), you should contact us first. If you download an application form you can pay online or call Customer Services to pay by phone.

Building notice for window, door and rooflight replacement in dwellings

A notice is only required where the installer is not registered with one of the Competent Persons Schemes listed in Schedule 3, S10 to the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended) and will notify using that scheme.

There is a separate paper form below for a building notice window replacement application which should ideally be completed by the installer on behalf of the applicant.

If any structural work is included, such as increasing the opening width, replacing a window with patio doors, a building notice must be submitted.

After submitting a building notice

Once your application has been received:

  • we will acknowledge receipt and send you detailed guidance notes
  • we may ask you for more information if we feel the project is complex and needs more detailed consideration
  • the notice is not approved or rejected and so building work progresses on site without the protection of a formal approval notice
  • building work may only start once you have submitted a Start Notice and 48 hours have elapsed from the end of the day it was submitted (this form is available in Building Control forms)

Contact information

Building control