A full plan application is suitable for all types of building works and has many advantages.
When to use a full plan application
A full plan application is suitable for all types of building works including:
- new buildings
- extensions and alterations to any building including those used for a purpose designated under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 or to which the Health & Safety at Work (Fire Precautions) Regulations apply
- minor or extensive alterations to any building
- the formation of a room in the roof space
- any projects where you want the assurance that the plans are right before you start work
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of the full plan route are:
- the design is fully checked to make sure that the finished job can comply with the building regulations
- you can be confident that, provided you build to the plans that we pass, your works can satisfy the requirements of the regulations
- you will be issued with a formal decision notice
- it may save you money and secure a better quality project with a higher degree of first time compliance with the regulations
- competent designers and building contractors tend to prefer the process because of its thoroughness
- for larger projects you only pay the initial plan fee which may only be approximately a third of the total charge with your application - the remainder is deferred and will be collected after work starts
The main disadvantage of the full plans process is that it tends to be more time consuming than the building notice process.
Guidance notes for a full plan application
To make a full plan application you will need to provide:
- contact details for applicant and agent
- location of the proposed building work
- details of the method of timber treatment against longhorn beetle if the work is in Sandhurst or Crowthorne
- information about the proposed work including the date you intend to start work and use of building
- details of method used to achieve compliance with means of escape requirements (such as Approved Document B, BS 9999, fire engineered approach)
- previous application numbers, if any (building regulations or planning)
- plans and relevant supporting details such as specifications and calculations
- payment details for online payment
Your application should be submitted with a block plan (scale at least 1:1250) showing:
- size and position of the building, or the building as extended and its relationship to adjoining boundaries
- provision for the drainage of the building or extension
- location and type of all trees within 30m of the proposal
You will also need to provide plans, elevations and sections with detailed specifications of proposed and existing defining the proposed work, to a scale of at least 1:100 and 1:50.
You will need to prepare accurate plans that are to scale and include a full specification for the work you intend to undertake. Fire precautions should be shown on your plans if the project relates to a premises which is designated under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005).
You may also need to send us structural calculations for any specialist or non-standard structural work - a structural engineer may need to prepare this for you.
Other experts may also need to provide information about specialist areas not in the expertise of the main designer, for example energy efficiency (Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM).
How to make a full plans application
Check for the charges on our building regulations charges page. We can also quote charges over the telephone.
To apply for building regulations full plans, fill in the full plans online application form.
Apply for building regulations full plans
Alternatively, you can download a copy of the application form:
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If you download an application form you can pay online or call Customer Services to pay by phone.
If you want to use other means, such as Bankers' Automated Clearing Services (BACS), you should contact us first.