Some key information about the gritting process is outlined below:
- the council has access to 3 gritting vehicles and 10 drivers with 6 drivers on winter season rota
- we are responsible for a total highway network length of 286 miles
- our first priority is to grit the main roads which total a length of 129 miles (the primary salting network)
- subject to resources, we can then focus our attention on other roads which total a length of 35 miles (the secondary salting network)
- salt is laid at a spread rate of between 8 and 37 grammes/sq. metre per run, depending upon weather conditions
- the salt works by lowering the freezing point of water, but it also needs some vehicle movement on it to make it effective
- the salt is only effective to around -6°C, this means that at even lower temperatures, water on the roads may still freeze
- the response time to mobilise salting lorries at any time, night or day, is 1 hour
- our salt stock is normally replenished from salt mines in Cheshire - it takes all day for a truck to get there and back
- orders are placed in advance for restocking in an attempt to avoid long waiting periods for delivery as demand increases
- at the start of the winter season we have about 1500 tonnes in stock, which is enough to meet normal conditions
Helping yourself at home
We encourage residents to be resilient, adopt a self help attitude and be community spirited.
The following advice may help:
- be aware of the local forecast and road conditions by listening to the radio, watching TV or using the internet
- take precautions to grit and clear your own paths and driveways
- clear snow from your car before driving
- get your own salt supplies in advance - these are often available from garden centres and supermarkets - but do not leave it too late
- be a good neighbour and check on the elderly and vulnerable who may need your support during snowy periods as they may not be able to get to the shops or collect medication
For more information about how to prepare for snow and ice, visit:
Enquiries and advice
If you need to contact us about gritting or salt bins please use our salt and gritting online form.