Funding for Early Years Pupil Premium

The information on this page does not apply for Children Looked After.

Contact the Early Years Team for more information.

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding paid to childcare providers. It is for early years entitlement hours given to children of families who get certain benefits.

Read about eligibility for EYPP on GOV.UK

EYPP is funded at the rate of 68 pence per hour per eligible child, up to a maximum of 570 hours a year (£387.60 per year). 

Eligible children also qualify for extra funding through the deprivation supplement. Read funding rates for more information.

Claiming EYPP

A provider must get written consent from parents or carers by completing the EYPP part of the parent declaration form. This can be found in section 3 of the form.

Claim EYPP through the provider portal when adding or updating a child's record. Guidance is in the provider portal user guide.

A child will also be eligible for EYPP if they have left care in England or Wales through:

  • adoption
  • special guardianship order
  • a child arrangements order

Send the Early Years Team a copy of the adoption order or special guardianship order as supporting evidence.

A child remains eligible for EYPP until they start a state-funded, academy or independent school reception class.

More information about EYPP is available on the Early Years Pupil Premium page.

Contact information

Early Years Team