Delivering our ambition

Many of the outcomes we are working towards cannot be delivered by the council alone.

Reaching these goals will require a shared effort between residents, partners and local businesses. It is, however, important that we include these ambitious aims to help set a clear target for how we can further grow and develop as a borough. We must work more collaboratively in partnerships and with residents. The community will be at the heart of our decisions.

We must also make sure that we provide responsive, effective and efficient services. We must achieve best value for residents. We have therefore set out a core enabling priority to be an ambitious, resilient and sustainable organisation. Much of this will be delivered through our business change programme to make sure the organisation is fit for the future. Our aspiration is to be the best organisation that we can be.

Importantly, these foundations describe how we will deliver our plan.

To achieve our goals

We deliver quality services, seeking ways to improve.

We prioritise finances effectively, delivering value for money.

We lead in reducing our carbon footprint.

We work directly and jointly with residents.

Our workforce is stable, connected, skilled and motivated.

Our partnerships maximise resources and skills.

We will work with this priority: ambitious, resilient and sustainable organisation. Our values and business change programme help us do this.    Our vision is growing together, shaping tomorrow. We will achieve our borough priorities: engaged and healthy communities, thriving and connected economy and green and sustainable environment. They are underpinned by 3 principles: equality, health and climate.    Our partners are: residents, the voluntary, community and faith sector, businesses and partner services

Business change programme

The business change programme enables the delivery of the council plan and will ensure the organisation is financially sustainable and fit for the future. The programme’s aim is to use ambitious solutions to achieve resilience and sustainability.

The programme will drive savings and increased efficiency across the organisation. The funding to enable the delivery of the programme will be found from a Flexible Use of Capital Receipts policy.

Five programmes of activity have been identified within the business change programme. Each programme has specific outcomes and measures. Activity within the programme will be included within the annual directorate service plans, quarterly service reports and Council Plan Overview Report to report progress.

The programmes are:

Efficiency and digitisation

Delivering efficient, sustainable, innovative, digital enabled customer focussed services.

Workforce, retention, and recruitment

Making sure we have the right capabilities, retaining an engaged and motivated workforce and growing our own talent.

Neighbourhood regeneration and assets

Building resilient communities and making best use of our property assets to support effective services and financial sustainability.

Climate change

Enabling the organisation to achieve our climate change and carbon reduction goals.

Corporate improvement

An intensive corporate support and challenge programme to enable the turnaround of any service or function that has or is at risk of failure.

Partnership working

Beyond the direct work of the business change programme, we also know that we must continue to enhance our partnership working. There are already strong partnerships in place to help deliver borough wide change.

This includes:

  • Bracknell Forest Place Committee
  • Community Safety Partnership
  • Health and Wellbeing Board
  • Bracknell Forest Safeguarding Board

We will continue to work with our partners towards the future of the borough, to achieve the best outcomes for and with residents, in line with our strategic priorities.

We will continue to improve our community engagement and expand our approach to working directly with residents too. This will include using co-production and co-design to involve residents in developing strategies and services.

Our values

Logo - Being Bracknell Forest - Inclusive - Ambitious - Always learning

Our values exist to guide how we work with residents and engage with communities and partners. We make our values real by demonstrating them in how we behave every day, this is us Being Bracknell Forest. Being Bracknell Forest means that we all sign up to and give our commitment to living our values in everything that we do. 

Find out more about our values.

Monitoring progress

Against each goal is a set of specific key results that will help us monitor the progress being made. These results are not all within the direct control of the council and a positive or negative direction of travel will not be purely associated with actions related to this plan. However, they will indicate whether the plan is looking at the right things and whether any changes or additional actions are needed.

The key results create the core insights of the council’s quarterly reporting framework. Annual work commitments set out within each directorates service plans help deliver these results. Both these annual activities and the key results will be publicly reported every quarter through the Council Plan Overview Report (CPOR).

Find out more about how we monitor performance.