Underpinning principles

Throughout the plan there are cross cutting principles that will underpin the work that is delivered. These identify priorities across all the goals and themes of the plan and provide focus for the outcomes to be achieved.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion

Many of the priorities set out in the Council Plan relate directly to creating an inclusive borough and tackling inequalities. This commitment cuts across everything we do and goes beyond our legal responsibilities.

Within the principles of fairness and opportunity, we believe that:

  • reducing inequalities benefits everyone in the borough
  • strengthening community unity makes for a better borough
  • understanding and promoting diversity improves people’s lives

The Bracknell Forest ‘All of Us’ Equality Strategy sets out what the council intends to achieve in terms of equality and diversity and includes the council’s equality objectives.

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Health in all Policies

We recognise that the wider environment influences people’s health. These wider determinants of health are important as they look beyond factors that only relate to the individual.

We are therefore embedding a Health in all Policies approach for cross-departmental action to maximise the health benefits for the population and influence health through strategies, services and programme delivery. This work extends the health activity committed to within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

The priorities included within the Council Plan are framed in the context of improving the wider context for health and wellbeing.

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Climate and sustainability

There are several specific goals within the Council Plan related to the climate and biodiversity emergency. However, our work to address climate change extends beyond this and requires all services, partners and residents to be part of it.

The council's climate change strategy sets out goals to lead in making changes that benefit our environment and the climate as a whole.

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Key strategies

The commitments within the Council Plan do not sit in isolation. They complement and extend priorities across a number of existing strategies. These strategies contain more detailed work to improve outcomes for residents and will continue to be reviewed and delivered alongside the Council Plan.

These key strategies include, but are not limited to:

Over the plan period further strategies will be developed including a culture strategy, leisure strategy and communities strategy.