Young people across Bracknell Forest have been celebrating today, as they collected their GCSE results after two years of hard work and dedication. These results are not only a testament to the commitment of the pupils, but also the unwavering support and guidance provided by the staff and leaders in our schools.
As with last year, examination boards have returned to pre-pandemic grading arrangements, meaning that comparisons with the previous three years’ results should not be made. Despite this, Bracknell Forest young people continue to achieve very positive outcomes, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to embark on the next phase of their educational journey.
Provisional data shows that, while there has been a small drop in the rate nationally, there has been an increase in the proportion of students achieving Grade 4 or above in Bracknell Forest schools. In particular, there is a higher proportion of students achieving a Grade 4 and above in both English and Maths than is showing in the national data.
Grainne Siggins, Executive Director: People Directorate, said:
“This is a proud day for our students, their families and all the staff who have supported them. It’s so important that we recognise the hard work, dedication and commitment from everyone who has helped these young people reach this milestone, and we wish them the very best as they progress with the next stage of their education.”
Cllr Roy Bailey, Executive Member for Children and Young People, added:
“I would like to congratulate every young person who is collecting their GCSE results today. These wonderful results reflect their diverse talents and interests they have worked hard to develop. They demonstrate the well-rounded education that will prepare them for their future academic pursuits and careers. We thank all staff and parents for their efforts in supporting these pupils.”