The new Binfield Health and Community Centre reached a key milestone on Monday 21 October, with a ribbon cutting celebration to mark its official opening.
Following a thorough review of local sexual health services, several areas for improvement have been identified and have been endorsed by the council’s cabinet.
The council’s cabinet has this week agreed to support the development of new affordable homes on 2 council sites which are either affordable or available for social rent.
Three main sites set out for regeneration in the town centre masterplans are set for approval this month. These include the Southern Gateway, the Eastern Gateway and High Street car park.
A proposal to bring a new and much-needed community hub to the heart of Warfield, will be discussed by the council’s cabinet at their meeting on Tuesday 15 October.
Sunday 6 October is International Older Persons Day (Silver Sunday). This is a day when we celebrate the older people who contribute so much to our communities.