Definitive Map and Statement

The Definitive Map is a legal record of the public’s rights to use footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic.

A Definitive Statement accompanies the Map, which describes the route of each right of way in greater detail, some widths and any restrictions on use.

The Definitive Map and Statement provide a snapshot of the state of the rights of way network at one point in time, which is known as the ‘Relevant Date’.

How up to date is the Definitive Map?

The Definitive Map and Statement for Bracknell Forest Borough has a Relevant Date of 1 January 2013.

This second consolidated version incorporates all modification orders which have been made and confirmed since 2000. This includes changes such as path diversions, creations and closures, and changes to the Statement alone, including defined widths and updated descriptions.

Meanwhile the council updates working copies of the Map and Statement.

Find out what rights of way are listed

The electronic copies below are not a legal record and you should consult the hard copies of the Map and Statement if you are buying a property or making a planning application.

Hard copies are available for inspection free of charge at our Time Square office.

View online map

You can view rights of way in Bracknell Forest online.

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Copies of the A1-sized paper maps are available to view in the PDFs below. Use the - and + buttons and scroll bars to zoom in on a specific area.

Modifying the definitive map and statement

Under section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 you can apply for an order to change the definitive map and statement of public rights of way.

You should use a definitive map modification order (DMMOs) if you find evidence showing that a path or way:

  • is not recorded
  • is shown with the wrong status (e.g. a path is shown as a footpath but it should be a bridleway)
  • is shown along the wrong route
  • should not be shown on the definitive map

Anyone can apply for a DMMO and it is free of charge.

Once a surveying authority receives an application and a certificate of service of notice, it must investigate. There may be a long delay before we get back to you with our assessment of the evidence. The legislation about the establishment of public rights of way is complex. A simple application could take more than a year to complete.

How to apply to change the definitive map

Before you begin your application, read our guidance notes below. The guidance will tell you how to complete each of the forms and what happens when we receive them.

See more guidance on definitive maps and changes to public rights of way from Natural England.

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Once you have filled in the forms below, send them back to us at

If you need assistance with reading or filling in the forms, please get in contact with us using the email address above or contact us on 01344 354441.

Submitting landowner evidence

Landowners can use our form to give us preliminary evidence about the application.

Return completed forms to the person making the application, or to our rights of way team.

We may contact you to get more information or ask you to be interviewed about your evidence.

There is a separate process for:

  • acknowledging the existence of public rights of way which cross your land
  • preventing new public rights of way being created by 'presumed dedication'

See our register of deposits statement page for more information.

Register of Definitive Map Modification Order applications

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 requires that we keep a register of all applications for Definitive Map Modification orders. 

This register contains details of each Definitive Map Modification Order application. It includes information such as:

  • its location
  • position in the application process
  • what any modification could entail, if successful
  • outcome of application

A hard copy version can be inspected by appointment at our Time Square office.

We will update the register as and when we receive new applications or progress is made on those already on the register.

Peterhouse Close and Merton Close

Location: Peterhouse Close and Merton Close

Intended effect of the application: Claimed use application - to add a public footpath to the Bracknell Forest Definitive Map and Statement

Location OS grid reference: SU 856 626

Address: From Peterhouse Close to a path adjacent to the Royal Military Academy.

Parish or ward: Sandhurst

Current status: Decision pending

Applicant: Philip Sigley, Peterhouse Close, Sandhurst

Date received: 21 January 2024

Council decision and date: Application accepted

Outcome: Application under review

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Sandhurst FP12 / FINC20

Location: 106 Sandhurst FP12 / FINC20

Intended effect of the application: To upgrade a footpath to a bridleway

Location OS grid reference: From SU81404 63226 to SU82066 62734

Address: From Finchampstead Byway 36 to Ambarrow Lane

Parish or ward: Sandhurst

Current status: Decision pending

Applicant: Nicola Greenwood on behalf of the British Horse Society

Date received: Application listed on 7 November 2023. Application received on 20 December 2023.

Council decision and date: Application accepted

Outcome: Application under review

Sandhurst FP 9A

Location: Sandhurst FP 9A

Intended effect of the application: To close level crossing and divert FP9A through Ambarrow Hill to cross railway over existing bridge.

Location OS grid reference: From SU826 626 to SU825 630

Address: Harvey's level crossing, Ambarrow Hill off Wokingham Road, Sandhurst

Parish or ward: Sandhurst

Current status: Modification combined with Rail Crossing Diversion Order - confirmed

Applicant: Network Rail applied for S119A Rail Crossing Diversion Order

Date received: 10 September 2019

Council decision and date: Order made and confirmed unopposed

Outcome: FP9A diversion implemented

Winkfield FP21

Location: Winkfield FP21

Intended effect of the application: To have permissive path dedicated as public footpath

Location OS grid reference: From SU8962 6938 to SU8979 to 6893

Address: Off London Road, to west of Heathfield School, Ascot, to meet Winkfield FP20 leading to Long Hill Road, Bracknell

Parish or ward: Winkfield Parish, Ascot Ward

Current status: Decision to dedicate as public footpath

Applicant: Ivan Parr, Chavey Down Association

Date received: 3 April 2016

Council decision and date: Application accepted

Outcome: Path dedicated as right of way by council. Modification order to follow.

Definitive Statement Modifications 2012

Location: Definitive Statement Modifications 2012

Intended effect of the application: To modify the wording of the Definitive Statement in 5 instances, across 5 parishes in line with section 53(4)(a) of the 1981 Act.

Location OS grid reference: 

  • SU 87 SE
  • SU 86 NE
  • From SU 86 SE to SU 86 SW
  • SU 86 SE
  • SU 87 SE


  • Hazelwood Lane, Binfield / Warfield, RG42 5NE
  • Longshot Lane, Bracknell
  • Crowthorne Woods, Crowthorne, between the B3348 and the Devil's Highway
  • Off South Road, on the border between Crowthorne and Sandhurst
  • Quelm Lane, Warfield

Full descriptions of PROW 'from' and 'to' positions can be found in the Definitive Statement.

Parish or ward: 

  • Binfield Parish Council
  • Warfield Parish Council
  • Binfield With Warfield ward
  • Bracknell Town Council
  • Great Hollands North ward
  • Crowthorne Parish Council
  • Crowthorne ward
  • Sandhurst Town Council
  • Owlsmoor ward
  • Warfield Parish Council
  • Warfield Harvest Ride ward

Current status: Recommendation confirmed by Director Environment, Culture and Communities and Parks and Countryside Development Officer

Applicant: Bracknell Forest Council, Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD

Date received: 11 October 2012 (when notice of MOD was first issued)

Council decision and date: Application accepted 25 January 2013

Outcome: The changes have been incorporated in the Definitive Statement.

Sandhurst FP15

Location: Sandhurst FP15

Intended effect of the application: To remove footpath 15 from the Definitive Map and Statement

Location OS grid reference: From SU4851 1612 to SU4852 1611

Address: Branksome Hill Road to College Road, College Town, Sandhurst, GU47

Parish or ward: Sandhurst Town Council, College Town ward

Current status: Recommendation confirmed by Director EC and C, Parks and Countryside Development Officer

Applicant: Mr R Turner, Branksome Hill Road, College Town

Date received: 7 November 2011

Council decision and date: Application declined 20 March 2012

Outcome: The appeal was refused, footpath to remain on Definitive Map - decision dated 16 August 2012

Crowthorne FP8

Location: Crowthorne FP8

Intended effect of the application: To record a width of 3 meters by adding to particulars in the Definitive Statement

Location OS grid reference: from SU857376317 to SU8550 6360

Address: Broadmoor Farm, Crowthorne, Bracknell, RG45 7EY

Parish or ward: Crowthorne Parish Council, Crowthorne ward

Current status: Recommendation made and decision confirmed by Director EC and C and Parks and Countryside Development Officer

Applicant: Mr D Ramm, Open Spaces Society

Date received: 26 November 2010

Council decision and date: Application declined 20 March 2012

Outcome: Council proposes to make an order to record a width of 2.44 meters in the Definitive Statement.

Crowthorne FP8 and Sandhurst FP21

Location: Crowthorne FP8 and Sandhurst FP21

Intended effect of the application: To record widths by adding to particulars in the Definitive Statement

Location OS grid reference: From SU8510 6322 to SU8537 6317

Address: Broadmoor Farm, Crowthorne, Bracknell, RG45 7EY

Parish or ward: Sandhurst Town Council and Crowthorne Parish Council, Owlsmoor and Crowthorne

Current status: Recommendation confirmed by Director EC and C and Parks and Countryside Development Officer

Applicant: Mr D Ramm, Open Spaces Society

Date received: 26 November 2010

Council decision and date: Application declined 20 March 2011

Outcome: The appeal was refused - decision dated 13 August 2012

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