Countryside walks

Walking routes

Binfield, ‘The Hill Farm Lane Circuit’

Distance: 2.5 miles (4km)
Start point: Jack O’Newbury pub on Terrace Road North

This walk takes you through attractive farmland in the parish of Binfield.

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Warfield, ‘The Northern Lanes’

Distance: 6.7 miles (10.8km)
Start and finish point: Frost Folly, the country car park in Wellers Lane

This longer walk follows paths across farmland of northern Warfield.

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The Winkfield Circular Walk

Distance: 2.8 miles (4.5km)
Start point: The car park for St Mary’s Parish Church in Winkfield

This anti-clockwise walk will take you through picturesque Berkshire farmland.

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For a more detailed map refer to Ordnance Survey Explorer map 160.

5K healthy walk or run

This circular route was developed as part of the Business Improvement District (BID). 

The route takes in several pleasant green spaces including Farleymoor Lake and Arlington Square in the Western Business Area and Wildridings Copse in the Southern Business Area.

It's a great way enjoy a pleasant outdoor experience, while improving levels of fitness. 

Find out about the route from Bracknell BID.

Circular walks

Whether you are looking to walk your dog, enjoy the natural surroundings or spot wildlife, our circular walk sites are great places to visit

Many of the sites have on-site information, access paths, seating areas and wildlife features.

We hope that you will visit these sites and help take pressure away from places like Wildmoor Heath and Swinley Forest. These sites are part of the internationally important Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA). By visiting Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces, you will help protect birds like the Dartford warbler, woodlark and nightjar.

Accessible walks

The Local Countryside Access forum put together an accessible route around Cabbage Hill and The Cut.

Long distance routes

Ramblers Route

The Ramblers Route:

  • is a 26 mile (41.8km) walking trail around the outskirts of Bracknell Forest
  • follows footpaths, woodland tracks, bridleways and some stretches of road
  • is made up of 2 loops, forming a figure of 8 circuit
  • the Southern Loop is 13 miles (20.9km) long and the Northern Loop is 19 miles (30.5km) long

The walk is not physically demanding, but inexperienced walkers should only attempt the route in stages. Certain sections can also be wet and muddy after rain, particularly those through woodland areas.

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Blackwater Valley Path

The Blackwater Valley Path:

  • has 23 miles (37km) of path
  • follows the River Blackwater from its source south of Aldershot to Swallowfield where it meets the rivers Whitewater and Loddon
  • passes through countryside, parks and nature reserves along its route, which is also well served by public transport

For information and a map of the route visit the Blackwater Valley Countryside Trust website.

The Three Castles Path

The Three Castles Path:

  • is a 60 mile (96.5km) route between Windsor and Winchester
  • was inspired by the travels of King John during the 13th century and passes the ruins of Odiham Castle, also known as King John's Castle
  • takes you through the parishes of Sandhurst, Crowthorne, Bracknell and Winkfield

For information about this route, visit the The Long Distance Walkers Association.

Walks in Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey

The Thames Basin Heaths Partnership has produced the Greenspace on your Doorstep Guide.

The guide details:

  • over 80 dog-friendly walks that cover woodlands, parks, meadows and riversides
  • information about the walks
  • maps
  • galleries
  • hints about longer walks

All sites have at least 1 hours free parking, many with dedicated car parks.

Nearly all sites have dog poo bins and many have surfaced paths.

To download the guide, visit the Thames Basin Heaths Partnership's website.

Walking clubs

Perhaps you would like to meet similar minded people and get more involved in walking with a club?

More information can be found on:

Walks for Wellbeing

Find out about our guided walks in Bracknell Forest to support your health and wellbeing. See our walks for wellbeing page for more information.

Contact information

Parks and Countryside

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