Protecting and enhancing our natural environment

Protecting and enhancing our natural environment is a key part of the work we do at Bracknell Forest.

Below are some highlights of our work that impacts climate change.

More information about how we’re improving local biodiversity and maintaining and enhancing our local tree resource, can be found on our Parks and Countryside pages.  


Sustainable vehicles

Rangers are now running a sustainable vehicle fleet following a move from 2 diesel-powered vehicles over to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) fuel. They are also using 3 electric vehicles.

Tree planting

5,656 trees were planted in at least 15 different sites. See Woodland Trust article on How Trees Fight Climate Change.

Pond maintenance

Silt build-up was removed from Snaprails pond. This will improve its water storage capacity and water quality, benefiting pond wildlife

Wildflower seeding

A 0.7 hectare grassland area at The Parks was seeded with wildflower species. This will reduce the frequency of cuts with machinery from every 2 weeks to just once a year.

According to environmental charity Plantlife, there is evidence that increased species-richness in grasslands increases carbon sequestration. See Grasslands as a carbon store.

Bracknell Forest Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)

The Bracknell Forest Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) was approved on 17 September. 

This runs from 2024 to 2029 and promotes people and organisations working together to deliver local action for biodiversity.

Bees' Needs Champions

The council and The Lexicon Bracknell were recognised as a Bees’ Needs Champions in 2024. This follows a joint bid led by the rangers. 

The environmental award scheme recognises the exceptional efforts made by stakeholders to support pollinators.


Electric vehicles

We replaced one of our old diesel vehicles with a new electric four-wheel-drive. We now have 4 new electric vehicles in our ranger team.

Tree planting

3,000 new trees were planted by rangers and volunteers, creating new woodland areas and restocking native species.

Habitat improvements

51 hectares of new priority habitat has been created since 2020. 

Non-native, invasive rhododendron has been replaced with native species at sites like Bucklers Forest and Englemere Pond. 

Dead hedges

New dead hedges have been created at sites including Buckler's Forest and Lark's Hill. This recycles the green waste and reduces the amount we need to dispose of.


Change to grounds and verge maintenance

We have changed how we manage our grounds and verges to:

  • reduce the impact of climate change
  • increase biodiversity
  • improve the health of trees growing on verges

Find out more on our Roadside nature reserves, meadows and verges page.

Initiatives that encourage sustainable travel

We ran a programme of free guided walks in our greenspaces during the spring and summer to engage residents in walking activities.

The walks, which are good opportunities to enjoy fresh air and exercise, were funded by the Capability Fund from the Department for Transport. This supports local transport authorities with producing cycling and walking facilities and activities.


A new green volunteering scheme, Green and Active Heroes, was launched. Find out more about this scheme from Involve Community Services.

Electric vehicle charging

Two new double electric charge points provided at Lily Hill Park car park off Lily Hill Road.


Most tools and vehicles used are now electric

As our old tools become unusable, we’ve replaced them with chargeable alternatives. Our new tools which include strimmers, leaf blowers and chainsaws are more environmentally friendly, quieter, lighter and need less maintenance.

Changed to using electric vans, with new charging points installed at Westmorland Park.

By making these changes, we have already saved an estimated 5,000kg of Co2e from entering the atmosphere.

The rangers are also making good use of a new e-bike, to travel more sustainably to local green spaces.

Wildflower meadow creation

New wildflower interpretation is available at The Greenway. This is in preparation for planned grassland improvements which will attract greater biodiversity and mean less mowing and less CO2 emissions.

Hedge planting

We planted a mixed native hedgerow at Larks Hill. Once this is fully grown, it will give wildlife a new place to find food and shelter.

Promoting sustainable travel

A new ‘green route’ was created that explored and linked sites around the Bullbrook Countryside Corridor. Waymarkers, fingerposts and several lecterns were provided guiding residents around the new route.


A3095 Wild Way Project

The A3095 Wild Way Project replanted areas of felled pine along the roadside with native broad-leaved species to improve biodiversity and minimise the view of the road.

Evergreen species were also planted.

Improvements at Westmorland Park pavilion

Installed new photovoltaic panels to the building. This is used for the electrics in the building and the EV charging.

Tree planting

We planted a total of 3,880 trees in the winter of 2020 to 2021. These were a mix of native broadleaved trees and were provided across a range of different green spaces.


A322 Downshire Way Greenway

The Parks and Countryside team worked in partnership with the Transport Department on the A322 Downshire Way scheme.

This helped deliver environmental improvement works while offsetting the essential removal of trees.


Biodiversity Action Plan

We updated our Biodiversity Action Plan.

Improvements at Westmorland Park pavilion

Updated the heating system, which is more cost effective, relevant to users and environmentally sustainable.

All 57 existing lamps were replaced with LED lamps.  The energy saving will be 74% when taking into account the lamp and control gear losses of the old fittings.


Tree strategy

We published our tree strategy.

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Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

We published the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy, including requirements for Sustainable Urban Drainage systems (SUDs).

Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces

We increased the number of Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces (SANGs) within the borough.

This will help mitigate and reduce visits to Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and better protect their biodiversity.


Biodiversity Action Plan

We published the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) which includes climate change mitigations.
The former BAP ran from 2012 to 2017. It was reviewed at the end of its period, the 'lessons learnt' were used to produce the current plan. See update under 2018.

Parks and Open Spaces strategy

We published our Parks and Open Spaces Strategy, which includes climate change mitigations.

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Air Quality Management Areas

We implemented 2 Air Quality Management Areas within the borough.


A new park

We adopted a new countryside park at Peacock Meadow.

Contact information

Climate Change Team