Have your say on housing supplementary planning document

Little wooden house on a desk next to a clipboard and open laptop.

We want your views on how housing related policies in the Bracknell Forest Local Plan (BFLP) will be used in the determination of planning applications.

Residents can have their say on the housing supplementary planning document (SPD) from Tuesday 1 October until 5pm on Tuesday 5 November.

The SPD will work in parallel with the BFLP and includes guidance on policies in the local plan related to:    

  • affordable housing 
  • specialist housing in general as well as for older people 
  • protection of existing housing stock and land 
  • accessible and adaptable homes  
  • housing mix

The council’s executive agreed the consultation at its meeting last month. All comments received will be thoroughly reviewed and will help shape the final version.  

Once adopted, it will be used to consider planning applications for housing in the borough.  

Cllr Guy Gillbe, cabinet member for planning, transport and countryside, said: 

“It’s really important we have up-to-date and relevant planning guidance for new homes, reflecting what our community needs and would like to see.

“The housing supplementary planning document covers a whole range of considerations for new homes in the borough, from specialist homes to affordable homes. Please do take a look at this important document and let us know your thoughts before 5 November.”

The consultation can be found on our website and comments can be submitted until 5pm on 5 November.