Ambarrow Court

Ambarrow Court is an 8.7 hectare (21.5 acres) Local Nature Reserve located in Little Sandhurst between the A321 and the Reading to Guildford railway line.

Much of the site was once managed as a Victorian country estate, although the original house of 1855 has since been demolished.

"The pleasure grounds and gardens are delightfully laid out, very well timbered with fine specimen trees and shrubs, with Lawns, Rosery, Flower beds and Borders, large Kitchen Garden…"

"There is some charming woodland, interspersed with winding walks, and the Terrace on the South-West side leads down a flight of stone steps to a small park, comprising rich Grass Land…."

From an auction brochure of "Ambarrow, Crowthorne, Berks", 1932.


Ambarrow Court has:

  • original Victorian features including bamboo, yew hedges and large specimen trees such as Douglas fir and cedar
  • a nature trail suitable for use by wheelchair users and an access ramp through the woodland
  • an interpretation board describing the site’s wildlife and history
  • permanent orienteering course

Ambarrow Court is featured on the Great Places for Circular Walks page.

Getting there

By car

Ambarrow Court has its own car park off the A321 Wokingham Rd, Sandhurst, GU47 8JB.

There are 2 vehicle access points. One to the north through the car park and one to the south.

By foot

You can walk into the park at the northern end from the National Trust land, or using the 2 roads.

Footpaths run near to 3 sides of the site, with the northern boundary linked to the Ramblers Route.


A what3words address refers to a 3 metre square location. Select the link or enter the 3 words into the free what3words app to find it:

Park management

Ambarrow Court is a public open space.

It is currently undergoing enhancement works as a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace. This is in order to create an enjoyable natural environment for recreation, away from the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area.


This site contains many habitats including ancient woodland, hazel coppice, marshes, ponds and pools, birch coppice and meadow. 

Some notable plants include the bluebells and associated spring woodland flowers, cuckoo flower and yellow rattle in the meadow.

Important animals recorded include the stag beetle, noctule bat and glow worm, which appear on the Bracknell Forest Biodiversity Action Plan.

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Contact information

Parks and Countryside

Make an enquiry


Wokingham Road
GU47 8JD
United Kingdom


Ambarrow Court has a circular walk which is partially paved. 

It has handrails and passing places, making it accessible with a motorised scooter or chair. 

There are no steps on the site. 

Several accessible picnic benches and other seating is available around the park.